Call to order and Introductions: Cindy Chvatal-Keane
Present: Victoria Vickers, Sheldon Goodkind, Peter Gorelick, Serena Apfel, Gary Nelson, Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal, Rudy Gintel, Cami Taylor, Jen DeVore, Joel Kozberg, Jim, Ben
Excused: Chris Bubser, Pam Newhouse, Greg Glasser
Minutes: Jen DeVore
Minutes from October 2011 were approved unanimously.
Correspondence/Communications: Pam Newhouse was not available.
Treasurer’s Report: Victoria Vickers. We have invested over $16,000 on beautification, have donated $3000 and our expenses are way down. Cindy moved that we make a donation to Ruth Marmelzat’s charity. So moved.
Myrna Gintel, WSHP Garden Tour. Next April 22 (Earth Day.) Last year donated $30,000 to JB for beautification. Honorees include Mia Nair (sp?), renowned landscape architect, and Lynn Cohen, active in Miracle Mile issues. This year they’ll be funding Fire Station #52 (Melrose & Western) and #62 (3rd and Hauser). They plan to plant vegetable gardens and fruit trees. HBT is involved. In addition, they will help Windsor Square beautify the triangular median on 6th Street at Norton. Myrna asked if the HPHA would participate in the same way as last year. Serena moved, Peter seconded, unanimously approved full page for $550.
Lynn Cohen, LAFD Foundation. We have 4 firestations…52, 61, 29 (adopted by Windsor Square) and 27. Lynn would like HPHA to “adopt” a Fire Station and focus on emergency preparedness — #27. Lynn and Mark Cohen will chair the adoption of #27 (Cahuenga and Cole, next to the LAFD museum.) First project is refinishing the front doors of the firehouse — $4000. The foundation is a 501c3. Lynn and Mark will be on the emergency preparedness committee. Gary moved, Peter seconded, unanimoulsy approved $250.
New Business:
Candidates for open Board positions: Gerda McDonough who has been extremely involved on Rossmore, bicycle issues and mobility element. Jen made a motion, seconded by Peter. Unanimous. Joanne Medirous. Howard Hart has moved out of the neighborhood and John Rolfe is too busy. Joanne has been incredibly helpful in the JB beautification process. Ben made a motion, Peter seconded. Unanimous.
Mobility Element Revision/Update of LA General Plan & HP Streets. Apparently, the city has the ability to re-designate our streets at will – could re-designate any street as a highway if they wish. We need to act to protect Highland and Rossmore. Goal of DOT is to speed everything up while community wants to slow everything down.
Old Business:
Parkway Tree Fall Planting / Stump Removal. Susan has a list of stumps and we have started some plantings. If you see stumps, send an email to Susan.
Yavneh CUP Review: Yavneh has requested that they have a two-year review because it’s too costly. Also want longer hours on some holidays, specifically Yom Kippur and a few others. Sheldon noted that if the holiday falls on the Sabbath, it would be reasonable to extend their hours by the two hours that are requested. Board would support this request but not the five year renewal period. Motion: Support extension of hours for 4 holidays, do not support extension of CUP renewal period. Passed.
Membership Records / Dues: Jen DeVore. First letter will go out in December. Jen will update the numbers list to send out. We should also include a list of all the things we’ve done. Peter suggested that we have a block captain meeting in January and try to get updates on new neighbors. And a suggestion to invite a real estate agent on to the board.
Parkway Trees: Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal. See above.
Land Use/Zoning: Jim Wolf, Susan Grossman, Pam Newhouse. Key issue is the Paramount Studios project – 15 stories tall is the proposed building. A 25 year plan. Parking structures for over 6000 additional cars. We will need to continue to monitor this, especially as it affects transportation plans.
HPOZ: Victoria Vickers, Cami Taylor, Cindy Chvatal. We have a new board member on the HPOZ board. We have a new planning deputy, Jonathan Brand. He was there before and has just returned and was great last time – thorough and knows our neighborhood.
LAPD/Security: Peter Gorlick, Ben Thompson. Peter reported that crime is about even….too many people don’t report crimes so we can’t track. Trend this month is armed robbery but only one within Hancock Park was on 3rd and Highland on Halloween at a bus stop at midnight. Also 1st and Plymouth during the day – guy with a gun took their cell phones and LAPD caught him. Perhaps we should remind neighbors that both ADT and SSa will walk homeowners to their doors if it’s really late. People noted fewer trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
Filming: Cami Taylor. We noted the passing of Ruth Marmelzat. Cami has taken over entirely for Ruth. We have had a huge problem on Rossmore and 5th. Cami has been trying to get a meeting with Film LA and Mike Cornwell to try to at least appease the neighbors. (it’s more Windsor Square folks who are upset.) Slight uptick in revenues. Cami reported that it’s a new development that Film LA is allowing companies to park on both sides of the street.
Web site: Greg Glasser. No report. Rudy will look into finding a way to pay online.
Chronicle: Susan Grossman. Susan will talk a little about Ruth and maybe something about the Fire Departments.
Block Captains/ Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Preparedness: Jen DeVore, Cindy Chvatal. January block captain meeting.
Traffic: Greg Glasser. No report.
School Liaison: Jen DeVore, Sheldon Goodkind. Sheldon reported that he has started getting more complaints about litter and traffic at JB, particularly Chris Dalston who lives on McCadden. Sheldon will call Steve Martinez, principal of JB.
Parking: Susan Grossman, Greg Glasser
Graffiti: Pam Newhouse. No report.
Meeting adjourned at 9 PM.