Help Us to Save Our Neighborhood
In a poorly thought out strategy to address the affordable housing shortage, members of the state legislature have proposed legislation that will allow for the subdivision of R-1 neighborhoods and the construction of multiple, multi-story buildings on lots now containing one house. SB9 and SB10 are promoted as solutions to providing affordable housing near public transit. Unfortunately, this plan will only result in more expensive, empty buildings, over-parking on streets that have no capacity, and increased use of public utilities. All with no requirement that developers contribute to upgrading public utilities or set aside significant numbers of units that are affordable and will remain so. SB9 and SB10 just destroy neighborhoods and incentivize the construction of unaffordable housing.
The United Neighbors volunteer group has put together a video that explains what our city will look like if SB9 and SB10 are passed. You can find it on our website: Hancock Park Homeowners Association est 1948 - SB9 and SB10 Will Destroy California's Neighborhoods . Take a look and then write your state representatives and our Councilmember and tell them what you think.
Our current Council Field Deputy, Su Lee, will be transitioned into a new role in the Council Office. The Council Office is hiring new field managers and once someone is hired and trained Su will move to another role.
It’s getting warm so don’t forget to water your trees, and if you need a tree in your parkway contact the Association at
If you’re planning to make any changes to the street-visible portion of your house, hardscaping and windows, check with our HPOZ Planner Suki Gershenhorn ( before starting. The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ, can be found at There is also an online form available - Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System: and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.