The recent wind storms felled many of the beautiful trees that make up the urban forest of Southern California. Now’s the time to ask: what can we do to maintain our trees and keep them healthy.
The two major factors in maintaining the health and safety of trees are: 1) Watering and 2) Pruning. Trees need regular, deep watering, which is unfortunately the exact opposite of what often happens in parkways. Remember to do a deep watering of established trees at least twice a month, and more in the summer when it’s hot. Pruning by a licensed arborist is critical to maintaining the health of your trees. Some of the things to remember are: 1) Prune at the right time of year. Pines and cedars should be pruned in the winter; 2) Don’t remove center foliage which is necessary to maintain the structure of the tree; 3) Don’t ever ‘top’ a tree. Instead prune so there are evenly space branches throughout the tree – trees need to move in the wind. Always ask your arborist to explain what they plan to do and why.
Check your trees regularly to be sure there is no mounding on the side of the tree and no roots being pulled up. If a tree is leaning check for cracks on the trunk or dark sap which means the tree is stressed. If you’ve lost a branch or limb use a sharp, sterilized pruning tool and cut it cleanly back to another branch or all the way back to the trunk.
Winter is the best times to plant trees and other landscaping. Be sure and contact the association (or Tree Committee Chair, Susan Grossman, if you need a parkway tree. Check out our website for information and volunteer opportunities – . Also, if you’re planning changes to your house check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan ( or ) and contact City Planner Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or ). In the event of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station – 213-473-0476 or website: as well as Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 Questions regarding filming – contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat (323-934-0138) or Cami Taylor (323-692-1414-Home and 310-659-6220-Office).