Call to order and Introductions: Cindy Chvatal-Keane called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Attendance: Jen DeVore, Cindy Chvatal, Gerda McDonough, Peter Gorelick, Pam Newhouse, Victoria Vickers, Rudy Gintel, Cami Taylor, Gary Nelson, Gregg Glasser, Serena Apfel
Excused: Susan Grossman, Chris Bubser, Sheldon Goodkind, Ben Thompson, Joel Kozburg.
Absent: Joanne Medirous, Jim Wolf
Minutes from November were approved as submitted.
Correspondence/Communications: Pam Newhouse. Nothing new.
Treasurer’s Report: Victoria Vickers. Paid insurance.
New Business:
Welcome New Board Members: Gerda McDonough and Joanne Medirous
Committee Assignments. Victoria would like to have help with the bills. Pam would like to help with the Tree committee and will be off land use and zoning. Sheldon would be good for land use. Gerda will join traffic and transportation. Peter will join graffiti.
Redistricting update/Council District 4 /GWNC boundaries: Hancock Park will stay in CD4 but a portion of the GWNC is in play – SE corner. There is a hearing tomorrow at 4 to advocate for ALL of GWNC to be in one council district.
Open Board Position-Suggestions: Renee Mochkatel (Jen), Mr. Uretsky (Serena)
Old Business:
WSHP Garden Tour annual donation: Rudy Gintel proposed that we approve a $1000 donation to the Garden Tour. We have always given $1000 and up, especially given that Hancock Park will reap many of the benefits of this. Motion to approve $1K unamimous.
Yavneh CUP Review Hearing update: Hearing was today. Approved extending hours on 7 days over the year but the judge is still considering the motion to extend the reapplication period. We would prefer to stay at 2, council office is saying 3 years and Yavneh wants 5 years. One week for determination. We will plant trees on Tu B’sh Vat to help screen. Neighbors continue to complain about noise in the courtyard, which was not supposed to be used for school activities. New headmaster starts in June. Serena suggested that we contact the new head and invite him to the meeting. In the meantime, we can try contacting the gym instructor directly when there are noise issues.
Parkway Trees: Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal. Coordinating to do another planting. Susan has around 14 permission slips. Call Susan if you know people who need trees. We have a full list of all stumps needing removal and we will get to that. Our Council neighbors paid for both sides of Highland. We have a bid to trim trees for $80 per tree, a total bargain. The city has no money to trim trees so we got a blanket permit to trim all the trees, but HPHA must approve the trimmers. We will send a letter to homeowners asking who would be willing to spend $80 to trim the tree in front of their house.
Land Use/Zoning: Jim Wolf, Susan Grossman, Pam Newhouse. No new issues.
Traffic & Transportation: Gerda McDonough, Greg Glasser. We have requests for stop signs at Muirfield and 4th, Hudson and 4th, Rosewood and McCadden, McCadden & 1st. HPHA has to put in a formal request. And for restriping on Rimpau, McCadden. Gregg will consolidate all the requests and put in a formal request on behalf of the neighborhood.
HPOZ: Victoria Vickers, Cami Taylor, Cindy Chvatal. HPOZ violations now fall under code violations and are cumulative. Rudy suggested that we determine whether houses could be sold with code violations on the record. If not, would be a powerful weapon.
LAPD/Security: Peter Gorelick, Ben Thompson. Peter reported that in December we had a surge of crime in the neighborhood, including 3 burglaries in one day on December 21st. Thanksgiving – Christmas. But quiet again around New Year’s and then a recent surge again.
Filming: Cami Taylor. There have been a lot of complaints recently. Cami has been fielding calls and speaking to the film companies and Film LA. Film revenue last year was down 30% from the year before.
Membership Records / Dues: Jen DeVore. As of today, we have received dues from 239 neighbors for a total of $9990. Second mailing? 319 S. McCadden needs a new envelope.
Block Captains/ Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Preparedness:Jen DeVore/Cindy Chvatal. We are overdue for a block captain meeting, especially about security.
School Liaison: Jen DeVore, Sheldon Goodkind. Nothing new to report.
Parking: Susan Grossman, Greg Glasser. No new requests.
Graffiti: Pam Newhouse. Nothing new to report.
Legal: Joel Kozberg. No report.
Communication: Web site: Greg Glasser. No report. Chronicle: Susan Grossman. No report.
Additional Issues: Canadian consulate on Muirfield has been an issue lately with many events and parking issues. Cindy suggested a block meeting.
NEXT MEETING February 21, 2011