With the new year a lot of Hancock Park homeowners
have a resolution to make some changes to their homes. If
those changes change the street visible façade of a house,
which includes hardscape, then the changes will need to be
reviewed through the HPOZ process. The place to begin is
to read the Preservation Plan for the Hancock Park HPOZ
with your architect or contractor to make sure your plans
comply. Then consult with the LA Planning Department
staff on the approval process. The City planner responsible for
Hancock Park is Matthew Glesne (213-978-1198 or matthew.
glesne@lacity.org). If the Planning Department determines
that your project should be reviewed by the HPOZ Board
the project will be put on the agenda for the Board. Once
the Planning Department and the HPOZ Board (if review
is required) have approved the plans, then permits can be
issued by the LA Department of Building and Safety and your
project can proceed.
The Preservation Plan can be found on the HPHOA’48
web site: http://www.hancockpark.org, on the Los Angeles
Planning Department web site: http://preservation.lacity.org/
hpoz/la/hancock-park or by contacting Matthew Glesne. If
HPOZ Board review is required your project will be put on the
agenda. Meetings are held twice a month and the schedules
can be found at website: http://cityplanning.lacity.org under
“Meetings & Hearings”; click on “Central Los Angeles” and
then “Agendas”. It is highly recommended that you attend an
HPOZ Board meeting with preliminary plans for a consultation
as well as a chance to see how the process works.
Remember, if you are the unfortunate victim of a crime
or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-
473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_
community_police_station. You can also contact Hancock
Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650;
31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311
or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.
0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood
Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming,
contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat or
Cami Taylor. Ruth can be reached at 323-934-0138 and Cami
at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office).